Thursday, August 26, 2010

What are you doing this weekend?

This weekend is going to be perfect beach weather! 

I hate to announce it, but the last weekend of the summer is upon us. Kids go back to school, days get shorter and we need to start unearthing sweaters (gasp). But hold on, we still have one weekend left and it's going to be a beautiful one! At least in New York. What are your plans to take advantage of this last summer hoorah?

Ice cream lifts my chi when I need it most!
image: susan chan

I am heading over to the U.S. Open. Oh and having some ice cream. It's free kid's day on Saturday at the U.S. Open and what better way to indulge my inner child during these last days of summer? If you plan to have a quieter weekend you can prep yourself by starting to bring some of the outdoors indoors in anticipation of the cooler months. Maybe that means bringing your herbs like mint and basil from outside and putting them on your window sill. Or making jam with the fresh peaches from the farmer's market. Whatever it is, do it slowly and consciously so you can be sure to make it an endless summer memory to lift your chi when you need it most.