Friday, June 18, 2010

The Art of Networking

An excellent Networking 101 tool by Lovely Design

What kind of networker are you?
a. Net-wah?
b. I sign up for everything but somehow always end up on my couch
c. I can be convincingly sociable when dragged to an event
d. I have 1 million contacts combined in Facebook and LinkedIn

The "Opportunities" section which is located on the bottom center of the Bagua is dedicated to everything that involves career, social connections, work and personal opportunities. Its color is black which in Feng Shui is represented by water, the kind of water that is deep and profound. Think for a moment where you stand in this department. Are you employed at a company and you're feeling stuck or overlooked for promotions? Are you a freelancer and find business prospects bleak? Well it sounds like your Opportunities section needs a bit paying attention to! Whether you are a brilliant networker or networking challenged, you need to literally start "stirring up the waters!"

There are many ways to do this in Feng Shui but an easy start would be to get your contacts in order. Gather and prune what you already have and create a system of how you will organize future contact information that comes in. Will you compile names in an old-fashioned rolodex like the lovely one above? Or you a tech genius and organize your your life on your computer? Whichever way you choose, be sure to make your contacts and calendar are synced to ensure that your calendar of events are flowing as effortlessly as the "ocean of people in which you swim." And most importantly, you must actually use the numbers and contact information. Open up doors for yourself, imagine the limitless horizon of opportunities. Once you've gotten this far, set your intention that this new attention you are giving to your networking will bring in innumerable opportunities that you would never have imagined!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Childhood memories

A familiar yet sometimes embarrassing sight for me growing up.  

I had a conversation with a colleague last week that I keeps me chuckling so I guess it's worth mentioning. I was telling him that I remember when I was growing up that my mom used to keep dried orange peels all over the house. Normal for a traditional Chinese family right? Since I grew up in the States, the "different" things my parents did caused me some embarrassment. I know, not a big deal now these days when foodies are experimenting with things like grasshopper tacos and would think nothing of throwing those dried peels in some quadruple latte concoction.

As a teen though, you can imagine my horrific reaction on the morning of Chinese New Year when I was about to wash my hair and my mom informed me, "No wash your hair today. Bad luck! Wash away good things" ....."but, but Mom! I have to wash my hair!" Chinese or not Chinese, you know the scenario. Just insert whatever you want in the "wash my hair" bit.

So fast forward a couple of decades. Here I am a Feng Shui Consultant and now my best friends are you guessed it, dried orange peels and Chi adjustments. Adjustments that help cultivate one's Chi or life force/energy - exactly the thing my mom didn't want me to wash out of my hair that dreaded teen morning. I'm still chuckling.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Organizing and Helpful Organizations

Container Store employees who gave us great organizing tips and tricks!

Last night, I went to a great event at the Container Store. Yes folks, an event at the Container Store. I know that it was Thursday night and there are tons of other fun things to do in NY. But I can't help it, I just love that store!! Besides it being the mecca for complete home and office organization, it supported a great cause last night. They joined forces with Step Up Women's Network, a national non-profit women's organization whose mission is 
strengthening community resources for women and girls. Through teen empowerment programs, professional mentorship, women’s health activities and social networking opportunities, we educate and activate our members to ensure that women and girls have the tools they need to create a better future.
What I loved most about their organization is some stats that they gave us last night - someone please correct me if I got this off a bit but this is the gist - in New York, 60% of kids graduate from high school. Through the Step Up program, 100% of the girls graduate from high school! Wow!!

Overall, a beautiful and well-organized networking event that reminded me of the some of the things I believe in and the multiple opportunities available to participate and contribute to these causes. In Feng Shui, there is a section on the Bagua that is for bringing in Helpful People (bottom right hand corner) into your life. Let's not forget that we can be a Helpful Person for someone else too. Check here for more information on Step Up Women's Network. Or find an organization that speaks to you and contribute back. Volunteering to help others is really one of the best way to move your own personal chi.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Great Outdoors

Central Park Summerstage - doesn't this look like fun???

Free music at Bryant Park!

But if you can't get outside, this is a beautiful way to bring 
the outdoors, indoors.  Interior Designer: Steven Gambrel

New York weather has been very good to us. Sure they has been a few sticky days but overall we've been pretty lucky with Mother Nature. We're already full speed into June. There are more daylight hours available. What have you done to start taking advantage of this short window of time that we have to be out of doors?

Of course I'm mentioning it because I'm guilty of the inside-the-walls syndrome. It's so easy these days to get mired in emails and phone calls, forgetting to eat lunch or even to get up to get a drink of water. I've made it a goal, a promise to my own personal Chi development to get outside more even if just for a short walk, breathe in fresh air or even - hang on to your seats workaholic New Yorkers - take a day off and head to the park or beach. I am determined not to let this summer slip through my fingers and neither should you. In case you are scratching your head saying, "I'm ready, but what should I do?" If you are in NY, here is a wonderful summer guide courtesy of the nice people at Vanity Fair of all the fun things going on and alot of them are free! So get out there and ENJOY!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Elevate Your Pet's Chi

Beautiful design for our furry friends too!

Who says that Feng Shui is just for humans? As our beloved cat Keiki (translation: Hawaiian for baby - awh!) gets older, it seems harder for her to bend down to eat her food. Why not also apply Feng Shui principles for her as well? As she is progressing in years, sadly her Chi seems to be slowly sinking. To help elevate her Chi and make it easier for her to chow down - or now chow up - I came across some really lovely yet functional elevated feeding bowls.

Wall mounted to whatever height you desire

This makes me want breakfast in bed!!

Designs from both vurv and trendy pet are sleek and simple. They also allow air and energy to flow under the bowls keeping pets happy and their necks less strained. My only difficult decision now is which awesome design I will choose. Any opinions Keiki?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bagua Love

Fun paintings by Sophie Blackall

I stumbled across this delicate artwork this weekend on Sophie Blackall's paintings appeal to my humorous, light side. Definitely something I'd like to see hanging in our apartment. What do you see when you first walk into your home or when you open your eyes in the morning? Does it make you instantly smile and your heart sing? If not, that needs to change and fast! Your Chi is directly affected by your surroundings, hence, Feng Shui. So make sure what surrounds you is beautiful in your eyes and makes you indescribably happy.

The best part about Sophie's work is that most of them are illustrations interpreting posts from craigslist's "missed connections" section. You can spy on some of the star-crossed lovers declarations below the art. How romantic! Definitely art that can be hung in your Relationship/Love section of your home!