An excellent Networking 101 tool by Lovely Design
What kind of networker are you?
a. Net-wah?
b. I sign up for everything but somehow always end up on my couch
c. I can be convincingly sociable when dragged to an event
d. I have 1 million contacts combined in Facebook and LinkedIn
The "Opportunities" section which is located on the bottom center of the Bagua is dedicated to everything that involves career, social connections, work and personal opportunities. Its color is black which in Feng Shui is represented by water, the kind of water that is deep and profound. Think for a moment where you stand in this department. Are you employed at a company and you're feeling stuck or overlooked for promotions? Are you a freelancer and find business prospects bleak? Well it sounds like your Opportunities section needs a bit paying attention to! Whether you are a brilliant networker or networking challenged, you need to literally start "stirring up the waters!"
There are many ways to do this in Feng Shui but an easy start would be to get your contacts in order. Gather and prune what you already have and create a system of how you will organize future contact information that comes in. Will you compile names in an old-fashioned rolodex like the lovely one above? Or you a tech genius and organize your your life on your computer? Whichever way you choose, be sure to make your contacts and calendar are synced to ensure that your calendar of events are flowing as effortlessly as the "ocean of people in which you swim." And most importantly, you must actually use the numbers and contact information. Open up doors for yourself, imagine the limitless horizon of opportunities. Once you've gotten this far, set your intention that this new attention you are giving to your networking will bring in innumerable opportunities that you would never have imagined!