Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tap into This

I've been really thirsty lately. It's probably because the heat's cranked up on the days in December that are below 50 degrees. Most mornings, my water bottle gets left on the kitchen counter as I usually decide that my camera and ipod are more important weightwise than H2O. Go figure. And as I don't like buying bottled water for obvious reasons, I spend the day parched like I'm in the Sahara when I'm really just in Union Square. Today I came across this great idea - your own bottle of water that filters regular tap water as you fill it up. Instant gratification! And now I can carry around my empty bottle until I'm thirsty. This genius is the brainchild of Australian company, Half a Teaspoon. Love the idea, love the design, love the marketing. They ask that you pre-order your bottle since they need 10,000 orders before they can start production. Gotta love that small business owner innovation. 

Check out 321Water here.

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